About the artist

Hi, nice to meet you. I’m a photographer with a passion for exploring nature and our night skies and sharing my vision.

My photography journey

I have always been drawn to creating visually and tinkering with things. When I was younger and had the opportunity to I loved creating sculptures out of welded steel and cast bronze. I dabbled in photography here and there but it wasn’t until this last time I decided to pick up a camera again that it really stuck. It was when I first went to a dark sky preserve and tried astrophotography that I became hooked and knew I had to do it again. The whole experience of being out under the stars, far from civilization, and having to sleep in a tent was like nothing I had felt in a while.

Shortly after that I saw some infrared photography for the first time and it was like nothing I had seen before. I was drawn to the vivid bright trees and it sent me researching infrared camera conversions. I took a leap of faith and decided to convert my main brand new camera to permanently see into the infrared. Fortunately I did not regret that either and stuck with it.

Both astrophotography and multispectral photography force you to push the limits of the equipment and often use them in ways they were never intended to. These challenges lead to lots of experimentation and having to figure things out for yourself, and that’s much of the fun of it.

Astrophotogrpahy quickly progressed from nightscapes to adding telescopes on tracking mounts, and then bigger telescopes and monochrome cameras and filters.

Photography has made me fall in love with the outdoors and adventuring and all that comes with it. This means hiking, extended road trips, camping, and wilderness backpacking. To get to the most remote and scenic locations for photography requires some work and sacrifice

I have a innate need to always try new things and grow in my craft. The latest chapter has been diving head first into film photography—something I thought I swore off for good. Now I am pushing the boundaries of film astrophotography and exploring large format film with a view camera.

